2018年8月6日 星期一

Cisco IOS命名-Denali, Everest, Fuji


到cisco download看,發現改成好幾個版本號。



Indeed you now have 4 code type visible
Denali / Everest / Fuji and 3.6.8E
So 3.6.8E is the original or OLD type of code that was on the 3850, that has a parallel in the 16.X.X
You kinda need to get off that and onto 16.X.X
Denali (16.3.X) is the supported / tried and tested version, denali is where you should be
Everest (16.6.X) is the latest version of denali code - still not fully tested (I have heard bad reports)
Fuji (16.8.X) is like the T image of old - new versions of code and extra / new features.
You should be on Denali unless there is a specific feature that you need that isnt on Denali -
Notice the 'STAR' next to denali ?? that is the recommended version - only Denali and 3.6.X version have this recommendation.

總之就是上Denali 星號版本就對了,如果要的特殊功能沒有在Denali 版本上,才轉向Everest或是Fuji。

順帶一提,Denali, Everest, Fuji都是山的名名稱喔~XD

